
A baby abducted at birth

A baby abducted at birth

We have helped a mother track down her daughter. Elisabeth and her daughter Valerie have seen each other again after 50 years of separation!

Today we share the daily life of Sébastien, who worked with us during his Civil Service.

Equipped with a Master's degree in Law, Sébastien spent several weeks conducting an investigation involving the maternity ward and public authorities in an attempt to find a trace of Elisabeth's daughter, yet another victim of “compulsory social measures and placements”.

As a reminder, these measures that involved authorities indenturing children and young people to farms as a cheap source of labour; placing them in severely managed homes or in secure institutions or even prisons – and all without any form of court ruling – were still implemented up to 1981 in our beautiful country. See more

Sébastien wrote dozens of emails and letters and undertook the administrative procedures required to get answers. He took the necessary time to contact and convince all the stakeholders to move forward on this issue. All this was back in November 2018.

On 13 May 2019, we received a call informing us that the identity of Elisabeth's daughter was known and that her name was Valerie. Elisabeth saw her daughter for the first time a few weeks later.

Brigitte, Elisabeth's neighbour and our team supported this mother during the last six months of waiting; we are happy to share this great news with you.

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