ICMEC, a network in the vanguard of the Web
By joining this network, our foundation has a powerful tool to analyse the Web and collect valuable information in the event of disappearances.
The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children network, based in the United States, brings together organizations from 29 countries. Its mission is to identify gaps in the protection systems for minors around the world and provide the logistical tools to fill them.
In particular, this NGO financed the development of the "GMCNgine" for the benefit of the NGOs in its network. The "GMCNgine" is a search engine with facial recognition software to identify images of missing children and track child pornography on the Internet. It also allows targeted disappearance notices to be edited in the Google ads of computers connected within 100 km of a disappearing location.
As a member of this international network, we are the only ones in Switzerland to have this tool using the latest technologies.